The D3A Energy Team have been working with Westmorland & Furness Council to help them reach their net zero carbon emissions target by 2037.
A broad selection of council controlled buildings (those with the highest carbon emissions) were surveyed and have now had their individual Decarbonisation Plans prepared.
Each Plan identifies appropriate energy saving measures, recommends a low carbon heating solution and determines how much electricity can be generated on-site.
As we come to the end of this stage of the project, here’s a quick view round up of some of the key stats…
We have completed 27 Decarbonisation Plans
Costed £7.8million of Capital Works
Identified lifetime CO2 savings of over 30,000 tonnes
Highlighted lifetime cost savings of almost £20M
Using our recommendations, the Council will now decide which of these buildings to take forward to the detailed design stage, which in itself takes them a huge step closer to meeting those climate goals.
The D3A team are here and ready to talk if you need to take a similar journey.